Dreamers: 10-16 years

in our Dreamers class, Students are introduced to the more advanced aspects of Speech and Drama including Advanced Drama, Improvisation, Mime, Devising, Singing, and Vocal Technique! These classes are ideal for developing children’s self-confidence, performance skills, discipline, and team-building techniques with the opportunity of taking optional examinations through The Leinster School of Music and Drama and The Irish Board of Speech and Drama.

We Let Creativity Be Our Guide at Speak Out Drama and our Tweens class is all about creativity using improvisation and mime techniques to stimulate their creative minds, broadening their minds and aiding their communication skills and performance skills as well as working towards our Annual show, Drama feis, and Hip Hop Competitions.

Watch your child’s self-esteem grow as we introduce them to the wonderful world of theatre.

Speech and Drama

We encourage individual expression and focus on developing the use of their own thoughts and feelings in their work. We work on advanced script work, role play, improvisation, and mime.

Students learn role play aiding their articulation and memory skills. By role playing characters, enables students to think about real-life scenarios and performing under pressure. These elements also help promote self-confidence, pronunciation, and communication skills.

In script work, students also explore enigmatic characters through acting brought to life by themselves; this encourages facial expressions, use of body language, tone, gesture, and stimulating an active imagination. We teach spatial awareness as our students learn about “blocking numbers” and directing scenes.

NEW: We are excited to introduce Acting for Camera and Devising this term. Students will devise their own work using their improvisation skills and script work. Their finished pieces will be recorded live and launched digitally.


Each week, students learn articulation and rhythm in singing; whilst developing vocal techniques including the breathing apparatus and being introduced to appropriate songs, singing exercises, and vocal warm-ups.

The key element to our singing class is similar to how we approach poetry - Repetition. Learning by repetition enables our students to sharpen their brains and strengthen their memory skills whilst they are too busy having fun.

These appropriate Pop, Rock, Modern, and Musical Theatre songs help aid their listening skills, improve their vocal strength while exploring multiple themes, genres, objectives and styles.